Modify the structure and appearance of text

Practice tasks

Before you can complete these tasks, you need to copy the book’s practice files to your computer. The practice files for these tasks are in the Word2019SBS\Ch04 folder. You can save the results of the tasks in the same folder.

The introduction includes a complete list of practice files and download instructions.

Apply paragraph formatting

Open the FormatParagraphs document, display formatting marks, and then perform the following tasks:

  1. Display the rulers and adjust the zoom level to display most or all of the paragraphs in the document.

  2. Select the first two paragraphs (Welcome! and the next paragraph) and center them between the margins.

  3. Select the second paragraph (We would like…) and apply a first-line indent.

  4. Select the third paragraph (Please take a few…). Format the paragraph so its edges are flush against the left and right margins. Then indent the paragraph by a half inch on the left and on the right.

  5. Indent the Be careful paragraph by 0.25 inches.

  6. Simultaneously select the Pillows, Blankets, Towels, Limousine winery tour, and In-home massage paragraphs. Change the paragraph spacing to remove the space after the paragraphs.

  7. At the top of the document, apply an outside border to the Please take a few minutes paragraph.

  8. Save and close the document.

Structure content manually

Open the StructureContent document, display formatting marks, and then perform the following tasks:

  1. Display the rulers and adjust the zoom level to display most or all of the paragraphs in the document.

  2. In the second paragraph (We would like...), insert a line break immediately after the comma and space that follow the word cottage.

  3. Select the Pillows, Blankets, Towels, and Dish towels paragraphs. Insert a left tab stop at the 2-inch mark and clear any tab stops to the left of that location.

  4. In the Pillows paragraph, replace the space before the word There with a tab marker. Repeat the process to insert tabs in each of the next three paragraphs. The part of each paragraph that follows the colon is now aligned at the 2-inch mark, producing more space than you need.

  5. Select the four paragraphs containing tabs. Change the left tab stop from the 2-inch mark to the 1.25-inch mark. Then, on the ruler, drag the Hanging Indent marker to the tab stop at the 1.25-inch mark (the Left Indent marker moves with it) to cause the second line of the paragraphs to start in the same location as the first line. Finally, press the Home key to release the selection so you can review the results.

  6. At the bottom of the document, select the three paragraphs containing dollar amounts. Set a Decimal Tab stop at the 3-inch mark. Then replace the space to the left of each dollar sign with a tab to align the prices on the decimal points.

  7. Hide the formatting marks to better display the results of your work.

  8. Save and close the document.

Apply character formatting

Open the FormatCharacters document, and then perform the following tasks:

  1. In the second bullet point, underline the word natural. Then repeat the formatting command to underline the word all in the fourth bullet point.

  2. In the fourth bullet point, select anywhere in the word across. Apply a thick underline to the word in a way that also assigns the Thick underline format to the Underline button. Then apply the thick underline to the word departments.

  3. Select the Employee Orientation heading, and apply bold formatting to the heading.

  4. Copy the formatting, and then paint it onto the Guidelines subtitle, to make the subtitle a heading.

  5. Select the Guidelines heading, and apply the following formatting:

    • Change the font to Impact.

    • Set the font size to 20 points.

    • Apply the Small caps font effect.

    • Expand the character spacing by 10 points.

  6. Change the font color of the words Employee Orientation to Green, Accent 6.

  7. Select the Community Service Committee heading, and apply the following formatting:

    • Outline the letters in the same color you applied to Employee Orientation.

    • Apply an Offset Diagonal Bottom Left outer shadow. Change the shadow color to Green, Accent 6, Darker 50%.

    • Fill the letters with the Green, Accent 6 color, and then change the text outline to Green, Accent 6, Darker 25%.

    You have now applied three text effects to the selected text by using three shades of the same green.

  8. In the first bullet point, select the phrase the concept of service and apply a Bright Green highlight.

  9. In the fifth bullet point, simultaneously select the words brainstorming, planning, and leadership, and change the case of all the letters to uppercase.

  10. Save and close the document.

Create and modify lists

Open the CreateLists document, display formatting marks and rulers, and then perform the following tasks:

  1. Select the first four paragraphs below The rules fall into four categories. Format the selected paragraphs as a bulleted list. Then change the bullet character for the four list items to the one composed of four diamonds.

  2. Select the two paragraphs below the Definitions heading. Format the selected paragraphs as a numbered list.

  3. Select the first four paragraphs below the General Rules heading. Format the paragraphs as a second numbered list. Ensure that the new list starts with the number 1.

  4. Format the next three paragraphs as a bulleted list. (Notice that Word uses the bullet symbol you specified earlier.) Indent the bulleted list as a subset of the preceding numbered list item.

  5. Format the remaining three paragraphs as a numbered list. Ensure that the list numbering continues from the previous numbered list.

  6. Locate the No large dogs numbered list item. Create a new second-level numbered list item (a) from the text that begins with the word Seeing. Then create a second item (b) and enter The Board reserves the right to make exceptions to this rule.

  7. Create a third list item (c). Promote the new list item to a first-level item, and enter All pets must reside within their Owners’ Apartments. Notice that the General Rules list is now organized hierarchically.

  8. Sort the three bulleted list items in ascending alphabetical order.

  9. Save and close the document.

Apply built-in styles to text

Open the ApplyStyles document in Print Layout view, and then perform the following tasks:

  1. Scroll through the document to review its content. Notice that the document begins with a centered title and subtitle, and there are several headings throughout.

  2. Open the Navigation pane. Notice that the Headings page of the pane does not reflect the headings in the document, because the headings are formatted with manually applied formatting instead of styles.

  3. Open the Styles pane and dock it to the right edge of the app window.

  4. Set the zoom level of the page to fit the page content between the Navigation pane and the Styles pane.

  5. Apply the Title style to the document title, All About Bamboo.

  6. Apply the Subtitle style to the Information Sheet paragraph.

  7. Apply the Heading 1 style to the first bold heading, Moving to a New Home. Notice that the heading appears in the Navigation pane.

  8. Hide the content that follows the heading. Then redisplay it.

  9. Apply the Heading 1 style to Staying Healthy. Then repeat the formatting to apply the same style to Keeping Bugs at Bay.

  10. Scroll the page so that both underlined headings are visible. Select the Mites and Mealy Bugs headings. Then simultaneously apply the Heading 2 style to both selections.

  11. Configure the Styles pane to display all styles, in alphabetical order.

  12. Move to the beginning of the document.

  13. In the first paragraph of the document, select the company name Wide World Importers, and apply the Intense Reference style.

  14. In the second paragraph, near the end of the first sentence, select the word clumping, and apply the Emphasis style. Then, at the end of the sentence, apply the same style to the word running.

  15. Close the Navigation pane and the Styles pane. Then configure the view setting to display both pages of the document in the window.

  16. Apply the Basic (Elegant) style set to the document. Change the view to Page Width and notice the changes to the styled content.

  17. Save and close the document.

Change the document theme

Open the ChangeTheme document, and then perform the following tasks:

  1. Apply the Facet theme to the document.

  2. Change the theme colors to the Orange color scheme.

  3. Change the theme fonts to the Georgia theme set.

  4. Save the modified theme in the default folder as a custom theme named My Theme. Verify that the custom theme is available on the Themes menu.

  5. Save and close the document.