The 5 Principles and 10 Building Blocks of Persuasive Visual Storytelling

Applying Custom Layouts

After your team has agreed to and signed off on the sketches, the last step is to find and add a specific photograph, chart, or other graphic to each of the slides. But before you do that, you’ll apply custom layouts to each of the different sections of your storyboard, according to the way you sketched the layout of each slide. As shown in Figure 3-16, this creates a visual foundation for the slides based on the hierarchy from the story template.


FIGURE 3-16 Storyboard with custom layouts applied.

By applying layouts and backgrounds, you use graphical indicators that cue working memory to the relative importance of each slide, as shown in Figure 3-17. In this example, the slides with the solid sage background are the most important slides; the slides, with the horizontal gold background are the second-most important, and the slides with the white background are the third-most important.