Implement Domain Name System

  • 2/16/2017

Thought experiment

In this thought experiment, demonstrate your skills and knowledge of the topics covered in this chapter. You can find answers to this thought experiment in the next section.

You work in support at A. Datum Corporation. As a consultant for A. Datum, answer the following questions about installing and configuring DNS within the A. Datum organization:

  1. You have asked a colleague to deploy the DNS server role to a Nano Server installed as a member of the domain. What must your colleague do?

  2. At a branch office, you do not want the local DNS server to perform queries for local clients aside from those for which it is authoritative. How could you address this objective?

  3. You want only to allow recursion by your DNS servers for queries received on the internal network and not from Internet-based clients. How could you address this requirement?

  4. Managers at A. Datum are concerned with security and your boss has asked that you implement DNSSEC to help to secure DNS. You know that DNSSEC relies on distributing the NRPT. How could you configure NRPT distribution easily?

  5. You have installed the DNS server role on a computer running Windows Server 2016. You now want to create zones on the server. You want to store the zone data in AD DS, but the option to store the zone in Active Directory is unavailable. Why might this be?

  6. You want to be able to deploy an AD DS–integrated primary zone by using Windows PowerShell. What command should you use?

  7. A. Datum has just purchased the Contoso Pharmaceuticals company. Your users are frequently accessing server resources in Contoso’s network infrastructure. You need to configure DNS to support this change in circumstances. What two options do you have to more efficiently manage name resolution in this situation?

  8. Your network consists of many subnets distributed across the globe. You want to make a web server easily accessible from any location by using the same name. However, you want your users to be directed by DNS to a local web server. What feature of Windows Server 2016 would enable this?