Add Structure to Your Diagrams in Microsoft Visio 2016
- 1/8/2016
Practice tasks
The practice files for these tasks are located in the Visio2016SBS\Ch13 folder. You can save the results of the tasks in the same folder.
Understand containers, lists, and callouts
There are no practice tasks for this topic.
Compare groups and containers
There are no practice tasks for this topic.
Organize shapes by using containers
Open the OrganizeByContainers diagram in Visio, and then perform the following tasks:
- Place an empty container on the page, and then label the container Datacenter.
- Place the Branch Office 1 shapes into a container, and then label the container Chicago.
- Add several new shapes from the Servers stencil to the empty container.
- Add several new shapes from the Servers stencil to the Chicago container.
- Enlarge the Chicago container, select all shapes in the Datacenter container, and then move them to the Chicago container.
- Drag two network shapes from the Chicago container to the Datacenter container, and then lock the Chicago container.
- Disband the Datacenter container.
- Place all of the Branch Office 2 shapes into a new container.
- Change the style of the Branch Office 2 container, and then move the heading to a new location.
Organize shapes by using lists
Open the OrganizeByLists diagram in Visio, and then perform the following tasks:
- Drag various software shapes into the My New PC list, being sure to add shapes at the top and bottom of the list and between existing list members.
- Move a shape from the middle of the list to the top.
- Make a copy of the My New PC list, and then lock the copied list.
- Drag shapes from the Rack Mounted Servers stencil to the Store Shelf list. Notice that the list grows from left to right and not from top to bottom.
- Move the Store Shelf list to another part of the page.
Find containers and lists in Visio
There are no practice tasks for this topic.
Annotate shapes by using callouts
Open the AnnotateShapes diagram in Visio, and then perform the following tasks:
- Attach a callout to the park shape, and then assign a name to the park.
- Attach a different style of callout to the airport shape.
- Move the airport shape and observe the change in its callout.
- Change the location of the callout attached to the park.
- Detach the callout from the airport and attach it to the city instead.
- Delete the city.
- Delete the callout that is attached to the park.