Working with Documents in Microsoft Visual Studio
- 8/24/2011
- 04.01 Insert Documents to the Right of Existing Tabs
- 04.02 Recent Files
- 04.03 Working with Documents on Multiple Monitors
- 04.04 Navigate Open Document Windows
- 04.05 Close the Current Document Window
- 04.06 Open a File Location from the File Tab
- 04.07 Open the File Menu Drop-Down List from Your Keyboard
- 04.08 Using the IDE Navigator
- 04.09 Multiple Views of the Same Document
- 04.10 Closing Just the Selected Files You Want
- 04.11 Understanding the File Open Location
- 04.12 Show Previous Versions
- 04.13 Using Custom File Extension Associations
04.03 Working with Documents on Multiple Monitors
Alt,W, F (float); Alt,W,T (dock) |
Window | Float; Window | Dock as Tabbed Document |
Window.Float; Window.DockasTabbedDocument |
2010 |
vstipTool0004 |
This is one we have all been wanting for a long time: detachable document windows. You can now detach document windows and put them on another monitor! You have a couple of ways to do this.
The first way is to simply click and drag the tab for the document window out of the IDE.
The second way is to go to Window | Float on the menu bar, as shown in the following illustration.
What if you want to put the window back? No worries; just right-click the title bar of the document and choose Dock As Tabbed Document.
If you want an alternative method, you can go the following route: Click and drag the document window by its title bar into the IDE.
The guide diamond appears in the IDE, as shown in the following illustration.
Hold down the left mouse button, and move your cursor over the middle item in the guide diamond. You should see an outline of where the window will be docked.
Release the mouse button, and it should dock where you want it to go.