Microsoft Windows Security
- 3/15/2012
Software Restriction Policies
Windows also contains a user-mode mechanism called Software Restriction Policies that enables administrators to control what images and scripts execute on their systems. The Software Restriction Policies node of the Local Security Policy Editor, shown in Figure 6-29, serves as the management interface for a machine’s code execution policies, although per-user policies are also possible using domain group policies.
Several global policy settings appear beneath the Software Restriction Policies node:
The Enforcement policy configures whether restriction policies apply to libraries, such as DLLs, and whether policies apply to users only or to administrators as well.
The Designated File Types policy records the extensions for files that are considered executable code.
Trusted Publishers control who can select which certificate publishers are trusted.

Figure 6-29 Software Restriction Policy configuration
When configuring a policy for a particular script or image, an administrator can direct the system to recognize it using its path, its hash, its Internet Zone (as defined by Internet Explorer), or its cryptographic certificate, and she can specify whether it is associated with the Disallowed or Unrestricted security policy.
Enforcement of Software Restriction Policies takes place within various components where files are treated as containing executable code. Some of these components are listed here:
The user-mode Windows CreateProcess function in %SystemRoot%\System32\Kernel32.dll enforces it for executable images.
The DLL loading code of Ntdll (%SystemRoot%\System32\Ntdll.dll) enforces it for DLLs.
The Windows command prompt (%SystemRoot%\System32\Cmd.exe) enforces it for batch file execution.
Windows Scripting Host components that start scripts—%SystemRoot%\System32\Cscript.exe (for command-line scripts), %SystemRoot%\System32\Wscript.exe (for UI scripts), and %SystemRoot%\System32\Scrobj.dll (for script objects)—enforce it for script execution.
Each of these components determines whether the restriction policies are enabled by reading the registry value HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Policies\Windows\Safer\CodeIdentifiers\TransparentEnabled, which if set to 1 indicates that policies are in effect. Then it determines whether the code it’s about to execute matches one of the rules specified in a subkey of the CodeIdentifiers key and, if so, whether or not the execution should be allowed. If there is no match, the default policy, as specified in the DefaultLevel value of the CodeIdentifiers key, determines whether the execution is allowed.
Software Restriction Policies are a powerful tool for preventing the unauthorized access of code and scripts, but only if properly applied. Unless the default policy is set to disallow execution, a user can make minor changes to an image that’s been marked as disallowed so that he can bypass the rule and execute it. For example, a user can change an innocuous byte of a process image so that a hash rule fails to recognize it, or copy a file to a different location to avoid a path-based rule.