Storing Data in Memory in Microsoft ADO.NET 4

  • 10/25/2010

Chapter 3 Quick Reference


Do This

Add a row to a DataTable

Use the DataTable object’s NewRow method to obtain a DataRow instance.

Update the Item values in the DataRow as needed.

Add the row using the table’s Rows.Add method.

Delete a row from a DataTable

Call the DataRow object’s Delete method.

Call the DataTable object’s AcceptChanges method.

Check for data issues in new and modified DataRow objects

Create a DataTable.

Add DataColumn definitions as needed.

Add event handlers for the DataTable object’s ColumnChanging, RowChanging, or other events.

In the handlers, call the DataRow object’s SetColumnError method or update its RowError property.

Temporarily suspend data validation while modifying a data row

Call the DataRow object’s BeginEdit method.

Update the Item values in the DataRow as needed.

Call the DataRow object’s EndEdit method.