MCTS 70-662 Rapid Review: Installing and Configuring Exchange Servers
- 3/15/2012
- Objective 1.1: Prepare the infrastructure for Exchange
- Objective 1.2: Install Exchange prerequisites
- Objective 1.3: Install Exchange roles
- Objective 1.4: Create and Configure databases
- Objective 1.5: Create and configure address lists
- Answers
Objective 1.5: Create and configure address lists
In this exam objective, you might be tested on creating and configuring email address policies, address lists, and OABs. You need to know how to publish address lists and use filterable properties.
Exam need to know
Update legacy address lists
For example: Do you know how to upgrade default recipient filters on a legacy address list?
Configure Offline Address lists
For example: Do you know what distribution method Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010 clients typically use to access an OAB?
Publish address lists
For example: Do you know how to add or remove address lists from an OAB?
Filterable properties
For example: Do you know in what situations filterable policies are typically used?
Creating and configuring email address policies
For example: Do you know how to edit an existing email address policy?
Creating and configuring address lists
For example: Do you know how to create an address list that uses recipient filters to determine its membership?
Creating and configuring OABs
For example: Do you know how to move OAB generation to another server?
Update legacy address lists
In a coexistence or migration scenario, you need to be aware that LDAP filtering syntax was used when customizing default Exchange 2003 address lists created during an Exchange installation. In Exchange 2010, the OPATH filtering syntax (used by PowerShell) replaces the LDAP filtering syntax. You need to know how to update the filtering syntax for any legacy default address lists from LDAP to OPATH. The following default address lists might need to be upgraded:
All Users
All Groups
All Contacts
Public Folders
Default Global Address List
True or false? You use the EMS Set-AddressList cmdlet to upgrade default recipient filters. You cannot use the EMC for this purpose.
Answer: True. For example, the following command updates the All Groups default legacy address list:
Set-AddressList "All Groups" -IncludedRecipients MailGroups
Configure Offline Address lists
You should know that an OAB is a copy of a collection of offline address lists, generated on an Exchange server and then downloaded to a client computer so that a Microsoft Outlook user can access the information it contains while disconnected from the Exchange organization. You should be aware that Exchange Server 2010 generates OAB files, compresses them, and then places them on a local share. You should know what steps to take to choose the address lists that are available to offline users, and how to configure the distribution method. An OAB can be distributed to client computers by using web-based or public folder distribution (or both).
True or false? Outlook 2007 and Outlook 2010 clients can access the OAB by using the web-based distribution method.
Answer: True. Web-based distribution does not require public folders. When the OAB is generated, the Client Access server replicates the files. In web-based distribution, the HTTPS web address is the distribution point from which client computers can download the OAB.
True or false? Outlook 2003 SP1 or earlier clients access the OAB through public folder distribution.
Answer: True. Outlook 2003 SP1 (or earlier) clients that are working offline or through a dial-up connection access the OAB through public folder distribution. The OAB generation process places files directly in a public folder, and Exchange public folder replication copies the data to other public folder distribution points. OABs that use the public folder distribution method are sometimes termed Legacy OABs.
Publish address lists
You should know what steps to take to publish an address list by adding it to an OAB that is distributed to email clients. You should be aware that you can use the New Online Address Book Wizard in the EMC to create an OAB and specify either web-based or public folder distribution. If you use the EMS New-OfflineAddressBook cmdlet, an OAB with web-based distribution is created by default, unless you specify public folder distribution by using the PublicFolderDistributionEnabled parameter. For example, the following command creates the OAB MyOAB on DEN-EX1. This OAB uses the web-based distribution method and the default virtual directory:
New-OfflineAddressBook -Name "MyOAB" -AddressLists "\My Address List" -Server DEN-EX1 -VirtualDirectories "DEN-EX1\OAB (Default Web Site)"
The following command creates an OAB named Other-OAB on server VAN-EX2 that uses the public folder distribution method and uses the public folder database MyPublicDatabase:
New-OfflineAddressBook -Name "Other-OAB" -AddressLists "My Address List" -Server VAN-EX2 -PublicFolderDatabase "MyPublicDatabase" -PublicFolderDistributionEnabled $true -Versions Version3,Version4
True or false? You can use only the EMS Set-OfflineAddressBook cmdlet to add or remove address lists from an OAB.
Answer: False. You can use the EMC to add or remove an address list from an OAB by accessing the OAB Properties dialog box. You can also use the EMS Set-OfflineAddressBook cmdlet to add or remove address lists from an OAB. For example, if you have an OAB named MyOAB that contains address lists MyAddressList01 and MyAddressList02, you would issue the following command to add the address list MyAddressList03:
Set-OfflineAddressBook -Identity "MyOAB" -AddressLists MyAddressList01,MyAddressList02,MyAddressList03
If you subsequently wanted to remove MyAddressList01 from the OAB, you would issue the following command:
Set-OfflineAddressBook -Identity "MyOAB" -AddressLists MyAddressList02,MyAddressList03
True or false? You can use the Set-OfflineAddressBook cmdlet to select the server on which the OAB is generated.
Answer: False. You can perform this task in the EMC by using the Move Offline Address Book Wizard. In the EMS you use the Move-OfflineAddressBook cmdlet. For example, the following command moves the generation task for a custom OAB named MarketingOAB to the server VAN-EX2:
Move-OfflineAddressBook -Identity "MarketingOAB" -Server VAN-EX2
Filterable properties
You should know how to configure filterable properties in (for example) email policies, for which you might specify that a recipient is in a State or Province, a Department, or a Company. How you would use these filterable properties is discussed in the next section. Also, if you are using the RecipientFilter parameter to create an address list and want the address list to include recipients that are mailbox users and have StateOrProvince set to (for example) New York, you can again specify filterable properties to define this condition. These settings are discussed in the relevant sections later in this Objective.
Creating and configuring email address policies
You should be aware that a recipient must have an email address to receive or send email messages, and that email address policies generate the primary and secondary email addresses for your recipients. You should know how to use the EMC or the EMS to create and configure email address policies. You need to be a member of the Server Management and Organization Management role groups to create and configure email address policies.
True or false? You can use the EMS New-EmailAddressPolicy cmdlet to create an email address policy.
Answer: True. You can use the New E-Mail Address Policy Wizard in the EMC to create an email address policy. You can also use the EMS New-EmailAddressPolicy cmdlet. For example, the following command creates an email address policy that includes mailbox users in the Southeast Australia Adatum offices who will have email addresses that include their last name combined with the first two letters of their first name:
New-EmailAddressPolicy -Name "Southeast Australia" -IncludedRecipients MailboxUsers -ConditionalStateorProvince "Victoria","New South Wales" -EnabledEmailAddressTemplates ""
True or false? You should always use the EMC to edit an address policy.
Answer: False. You can use the EMC or the EMS to edit an email address policy. However, if you created the policy by using the EMS, some email address policy settings that you can set cannot be managed in the EMC. Microsoft recommends that if you used the EMS to create a policy, you should use the same tool to edit it.
You can use the Edit E-mail Address Policy Wizard in the EMC or the EMS Set-EmailAddressPolicy cmdlet to edit an email address policy. For example, the following command edits the email address policy Southeast Australia that currently includes recipients in Victoria and New South Wales to also include recipients in South Australia.
Set-EmailAddressPolicy -Identity "Southeast Australia" -ConditionalStateorProvince "Victoria","New South Wales","South Australia"
You should then issue the following EMS command to apply the policy to all existing users within the policy scope:
Update-EmailAddressPolicy –Identity "Southeast Australia"
Creating and configuring address lists
You should be aware that an address list is a collection of recipient and other AD DS objects. The exam might ask you what object types an address list can contain, such as users, contacts, groups, public folders, conferencing, and other resources. You need to be assigned to the Organization Management role group to create an address list.
True or false? You can create an address list by using the Set-AddressList cmdlet.
Answer: False. You can use the EMC New Address List Wizard to create an address list. You can also use the EMS New-AddressList (not the Set-AddressList) cmdlet. For example, the following command creates the address list PennsylvaniaAddressList by using the RecipientFilter parameter, and includes recipients that are mailbox users and have StateOrProvince set to Pennsylvania:
New-AddressList -Name PennsylvaniaAddressList -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox') -and (StateOrProvince -eq 'Pennsylvania'))}
If you create an address list in the EMS, you need to apply it by using the EMS Update-AddressList cmdlet or the Apply Address List Wizard in the EMC.
True or false? When you are creating an address list, you can define recipient filters.
Answer: True. You use recipient filters to determine what recipients are included in the list. For example, suppose that you want to create the address list ColoradoStaff that includes recipients who are mailbox users and have StateOrProvince set to Colorado. You then want to create the child address list DenverStaff in the ColoradoStaff parent container.
To create the address ColoradoStaff parent you would issue the following EMS command:
New-AddressList -Name "ColoradoStaff" -RecipientFilter {((RecipientType -eq 'UserMailbox') -and (StateOrProvince -eq 'Colorado'))}
To create the child address list DenverStaff in the ColoradoStaff parent container, you would issue the following EMS command:
New-AddressList -Name "DenverStaff" -Container "\ColoradoStaff" -ConditionalCustomAttribute1 "Denver"
True or false? You can use the EMS Set-AddressList cmdlet to configure an address list.
Answer: True. For example, the following command configures the address list Adatum Delaware Branch to include recipients that work in Adatum’s Delaware office:
Set-AddressList -Identity "Adatum Delaware Branch" -ConditionalCompany Adatum -ConditionalStateorProvince Delaware
True or false? You can use the Update-AddressList cmdlet to update an address list, based on conditional attributes.
Answer: True. The following command updates the address list Room3A under the container All Users\Administration to include all users who have this custom attribute:
Update-AddressList -Identity "All Users\Administration\Room3A"
True or false? You use the EMS New-GlobalAddressList cmdlet to create a Global Address List (GAL).
Answer: True. For example, the following command creates a GAL named Contoso Global for recipients who are mailbox users and have their company listed as Contoso:
New-GlobalAddressList -Name "Contoso Global" -IncludedRecipients MailboxUsers -ConditionalCompany Contoso
Creating and configuring OABs
As mentioned earlier in this Objective, you can use the EMC New Online Address Book Wizard or the EMS New-OfflineAddressBook cmdlet to create an OAB. The exam might test that you know how to configure OAB properties and move the generation task for an OAB to another server. You should know how to edit the OAB Properties dialog box in the EMC or use the EMS Set-OfflineAddressBook cmdlet to configure OAB properties. For example, the following command modifies the time and date at which OAB generation occurs for MyOAB:
Set-OfflineAddressBook -Identity "MyOAB" -Schedule "Sat.2:00 AM-Sat.2:15 AM"
True or false? You can use the EMC Move Offline Address Book Wizard to move an OAB generation server.
Answer: True. You can also use the EMS Move-OfflineAddressBook cmdlet. For example, the following command moves the generation task for a custom OAB named MarketingOAB to the server VAN-EX2:
Move-OfflineAddressBook -Identity "MarketingOAB" -Server VAN-EX2
Can you answer these questions?
You can find the answers to these questions at the end of the chapter.
You have created a custom OAB named WingTipToysGlasow. You want to move the generation task for this OAB from the server GLA-EX1 to the server GLA-EX2. What EMS command do you issue?
You want to create a GAL named Fabrikam – All Employees to include all mailbox users employed by Fabrikam. What EMS command do you issue?
You want to create an OAB named Offline-Contoso-Managers based on the Contoso-Managers address list. This OAB should be generated on the server named GlasgowMBX1 and should be available to Outlook 2003 and other MAPI clients. What EMS command should you issue?
What EMS cmdlet can you use to add or remove address lists from an OAB?
You want to create an email address policy for that configures email addresses so that a recipient’s last name is combined with the first two letters of his given name. For example: Don Hall would be What setting would you specify for the EnabledEmailAddress Templates parameter of the New-EmailAddressPolicy cmdlet?