Security within SharePoint 2013

  • 5/15/2013

Breaking permission inheritance

By default, all children objects (sites, pages, lists, libraries) inherit their permissions from their parent site. Permissions for objects cascade from the parent to the child. For instance, a subsite inherits the permissions of its parent site. A library inherits the permissions of the site in which it is created, and a document inherits the permissions of the library to which it is uploaded. If you want to stop this inheritance and customize permissions, you’ll need to break inheritance.

Perhaps you have a site with team information for everyone on your team. By default, everyone who has access to a team library can see the documents in that library. Still, you might want to restrict the Performance Reviews folder to only allow managers to access it. In this case, you would break the inheritance from the parent library so that only the Managers group can see that particular folder.

Break inheritance

  1. Select the list or library with which you want to work (for this example, we’ll work with a library).

  2. On the ribbon, click the Library tab.

  3. In the Settings group, click Library Settings.

  4. On the Library Settings page, in the Permissions And Management section, click Permissions For This Document Library.

  5. On the Permissions tab, in the Inheritance group, click Stop Inheriting Permissions.

  6. In the pop-up message box that asks you to confirm the change, click OK.


Inherit parent permissions

  1. Select the list or library with which you want to work (for this example, we’ll work with a library). On the ribbon, click the Library tab and then, in the Settings group, click Library Settings.

  2. On the Library Settings page, in the Permissions And Management group, click Permissions For This Document Library.

  3. On the ribbon, click the Permissions tab and then, in the Inheritance group, click Delete Unique Permissions.

  4. In the pop-up message box that asks you to confirm the change, click OK.
