CompTIA A+ Training Kit: Understanding RAM and CPUs
- 12/15/2012
Correct Answer: B
Incorrect: Different-colored slots indicate different banks.
Correct: Dual-channel RAM should be installed in the same bank, which is the same color on most motherboards.
Incorrect: If you place the RAM in different banks, it will be used as single-channel RAM instead of dual-channel RAM.
Incorrect: Slots 1 and 4 are always in different banks.
Correct Answer: C
Incorrect: PC3-400 indicates a clock speed of 50 MHz.
Incorrect: If the DDR3 name is used, it is identified as the clock times 8. 400 x 8 = 3,200, or DDR3-3200.
Correct: The calculation for DDR3 is Clk x 4 x 2 x 64 / 8. 400 MHz x 4 x 2 x 64 / 8 = 25,600, so it is PC3-25600.
Incorrect: PC3-12800 indicates a clock speed of 200 MHz.
Correct Answer: A
Correct: Hyper-threading is supported on Intel CPUs and allows each core to appear as two CPUs.
Incorrect: HyperTransport is used on AMD processors in place of a front side bus.
Incorrect: Dual channel RAM provides two paths to RAM, but it does not affect the CPU cores.
Incorrect: L2 cache is fast RAM stored on the CPU for improved performance, but it does not affect the CPU cores.
Correct Answer: A
Correct: L1 cache is a fast cache, close to the CPU.
Incorrect: L2 cache is slower than L1 cache.
Incorrect: L3 cache is slower than L1 and L2 cache.
Incorrect: Any type of DDR RAM is slower than L1, L2, or L3 cache.
Correct Answer: D
Incorrect: LGA 775 is Socket T and was replaced by Socket B.
Incorrect: LGA 1366 is Socket B.
Incorrect: LGA 1156 is Socket H.
Correct: The LGA 1155 is also known as Socket H2 and replaces Socket H or H1.
Correct Answers: A, B, C
Correct: Faulty RAM can cause these symptoms.
Correct: Failing or dirty fans can result in overheating problems, causing these symptoms.
Correct: A power supply providing varying voltages or voltages out of specifications can cause these symptoms.
Incorrect: Viruses can cause these types of symptoms, but a virus is software, not hardware.